Slowboys RESCUE is an initiative born out of the Covid-19 pandemic that threw the entire world into lockdown early in 2020. Due to many businesses closing their doors and the general public being unable to meet and work in large groups, Shon created a plan for a scheme that could help those affected most by this enormous change.

The original idea was to provide hot nutritious meals to the homeless population of London. Shon and SB Team had lengthy discussions to come up with a realistic goal that could be reached during the duration of lockdown and a strategy to carry it out. We came up with a goal of 4000 meals. Shon was on the ground (and in the driver’s seat) making sure the funds were used to their maximum potential to buy ingredients and PPE. The venture was initially launched in collaboration with Bedü. You can find out more about them here:

Thanks to various friends and the Original Slowboys community who have donated not only their time, but their skills, kitchen spaces and supported the initiative by buying the merch, we have been able to provide near 100,000 meals so far. We are still preparing meals weekly for homeless communities, as well as a group of elderly and vulnerable people in conjunction with St. Peters Church in the W9 vicinity.

As we approach our 8th month running this project, we are pleased to announce that FWR Ltd have partnered with us to help us continue into the coming winter. You will find the FWR logo on the new Red RESCUE T-Shirts and you will be able to purchase these directly from FWR in Kennington as well as from the Original Slowboys official website. All proceeds from these T-shirts go back into the initiative.

Our goal is to keep this running whilst Covid continues to shake our society, to give back to the community and to gradually help more people as time goes on.
