Slowboys Induction.

Thank you for your interest in joining The Original Slowboys. Before we can grant you membership and your unique code for the web shop, we ask you to read through the below induction points and sign the fields at the bottom to indicate your understanding and acceptance of our rules. Any breach of these rules could mean termination of your membership so please make sure to read them carefully.

Membership is solely down to the admin approval and it can be revoked at any time we see fit.

1. The membership process can take from 3-9 months. This is because the Slowboys Team needs to verify your account. To do this, we need:

  • A picture of you on your bike with your face showing. Please email this to and use your Instagram name as the subject.

    This will be kept confidential and will not be shared anywhere.

  • A recommendation from a current Slowboys Member. This is not always required.

2. There is currently no membership fee however you will be expected to buy a hoodie, T-shirt and sticker pack once your code is issued. If for any reason you cannot purchase these on joining, please message the Slowboys Team.

3. The Third Era Dia de Los Muertos Slowboys Hoodie and T-Shirt represent your membership. Hoodies and merch must be worn with respect at all times. Failure to adhere to any of the points of this induction will conclude in your merchandise and your membership being revoked.

4. Use of Slowboys Merchandise on music videos or other professional/semi-professional media ventures must be approved by the Slowboys Team, contactable via Instagram at @original.slowboys. Failure to do this may mean your hoodie is revoked.

5. Alterations or reproductions of the Slowboys logo in any way is strictly prohibited. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Adding icons or patches

  • Changing wording or lettering to suit your geographical location or similar

  • Creating your own merchandise, stickers or decals on non-authorised/non-official merchandise.

6. The Slowboys merchandise can only be sold via the official website, Instagram page or email addresses affiliated with the Slowboys Team. Any giveaways, auctions, raffles etc must be approved by the Slowboys Team at @original.slowboys.

7. We do not accept any form of online bullying, slander, racism, sexism, homophobia or harassment. If you are seen to partake in any of the above, your membership will be terminated immediately.

8. You will try and partake in meets and events throughout the year when possible. The Slowboys are an active community and it’s always great to meet new faces!

  • Members will remember they are representing the brand at any meets, cafes, ride-outs, venues or tracks. Please treat these spaces with respect so they remain open and welcoming to other members of the family.

9. Any Slowboys ride outs, events or meets will be organised by the Slowboys Team and announced on country specific WhatsApp Announcement groups. Any other WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram chat groups not created by the Slowboys Team are not official and we ask that you do not use the Slowboys name in the title.

10 . The official Instagram page can be found at @original.slowboys. Any other page featuring the Slowboys name is not affiliated with the main brand unless stated otherwise. We do expect you to be following the Slowboys page if you want to be considered for membership.

  • Once approved for membership, you’re welcome (and encouraged) to use the @original.slowboys handle in your Instagram bio and the Slowboys Team will approve your tag. Only individuals with handles that link to the Slowboys account have been approved and we reserve the right to remove your link if any of the Induction points have been disregarded.

11. We ask that you refrain from tagging the Slowboys account in pictures of other group’s merchandise that have opted for similar wording or imagery to Original Slowboys. Please contact us about this if you are unsure.

  • If you are part of another bike group, you may not be accepted into the SlowBoys. We ask that if you are already committed to another group (you have their merchandise and you represent them at meets) that you show loyalty to them and do not apply to be in the SlowBoys. Please contact the SlowBoys admin if you are unsure

12. Purchasing the Red Slowboys RESCUE merchandise does not equal Slowboys membership. Please refer to point number two and three for membership clarification.

Thank you for taking the time to read these points and we look forward to welcoming you into the Slowboys family!

Please fill out the form below to confirm that you have read the terms and conditions set out on this page and wish to give your consent to induction. A member of the team will be in contact with you shortly.